Scott Design & Construction

Bathroom Remodel in Monticello Park

A remarkable bathroom remodel in San Antonio’s historic Monticello Park neighborhood merges historical elegance with contemporary luxury. Situated in an area known for its architectural diversity, from Art Moderne to Spanish Eclectic and Tudor Revival, the remodel focused on enhancing a narrow bathroom with 9-foot tall ceilings.

The redesign incorporated soft-hued wall paint to create a spacious feel and included carefully selected materials to honor the area's rich heritage while ensuring modern functionality. Key features of the remodel include:

Geomento Ceramic Floor & Wall Tile:

These matte tiles feature geometric motifs in faded light grey and pale yellow, reflecting the neighborhood’s architectural diversity.

Dual Vanity Bathroom Cabinets:

These cabinets are in a naval hue with retro doors and chrome pulls, blending historical charm with modern utility.

Premium Natural Quartz Vanity Countertop:

This elegant and durable countertop complements the bathroom’s aesthetic.

Kohler Sink Faucets and Showering Kit:

Both in polished chrome, these fixtures add a touch of luxury and are reminiscent of classic designs.

Dual Vanity Medicine Cabinet Mirrors and a Frameless Glass Stand-in Shower:

These elements enhance the sense of space and provide modern indulgence.

Hudson Penny Round Smoky Blue Accent Shower Tile:

The cobalt blue shades transition into light grey, adding vibrant color and character.

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